Medical Affidavit
Age Affidavit
Eldercare Affidavit
Language Affidavit
Guilford County
Senior Resident Superior Court Judge
R. Stuart Albright
Chief District Court Judge
Kimberly M. Fletcher
Clerk of Superior Court
Lisa Johnson-Tonkins
Court Administrator III
Taylor Chavis-Banks
Welcome to the
Guilford County Clerk of Superior Court's
Jury Information Website
No one from the Guilford County Sheriff's department or any other law enforcement agency will contact a juror via telephone, email, or in writing to request money due to missing jury service.
Trial by jury is a fundamental part of the American system of justice, and is a right guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of North Carolina. To preserve this right, it is essential that the court establish and maintain a well-functioning system for the selection and utilization of jurors. The Guilford County Clerk of Superior Court is responsible for providing a qualified pool of jurors to ensure the right of all citizens to a trial by an impartial jury. Citizens who fulfill their jury service obligation are continuing a tradition established under the United States Constitution over two hundred years ago. Indeed, the right to a trial by an impartial jury of one's peers is an integral part of the foundation of American democracy.
Under the jury selection system utilized by Guilford County, a person called to jury duty serves in the jury selection pool for one day or the length of one trial. The number of names selected is based upon the number required to actually report, as specified by the judges. These names are drawn randomly from computerized Voter Registration lists, along with Drivers License lists.
The citizens of Guilford County can take pride in having one of the most modern jury systems operating in North Carolina. When you have completed your service as a juror, it is hoped you will have a higher opinion of the privilege enjoyed by the free citizens of our country to participate in the administration of justice. In serving as a juror, you know that you have discharged a serious responsibility in a conscientious manner.
Greensboro Courthouse
201 South Eugene Street, Room 323
Greensboro, North Carolina
High Point Courthouse
505 East Green Drive
High Point, North Carolina